July 11: Day 1
Dr. Cordero’s Sessions
- Introduction to BAESI and the Green Ninja (downloads a .PDF file)
- Science Slides (opens a Google Drive .PDF)
- Brief Science Slides (downloads a .PDF file)
- Energy Tracker Curriculum (downloads a .PPT file)
- ET-7 Power Meter Activity (downloads a .PDF file)
- ET-7a Power Meter Demonstration Guide (downloads a .PDF file)
- ET-7b Worksheet Answer Key (downloads a .PDF file)
Dr. Walsh’s Sessions
- Orienting Toward NGSS Themes (downloads a .DOC file)
- Student Centered Orienting (downloads a .DOC file)
- Engineering Design Theme
- Appendix I – Engineering Design in NGSS (downloads a .PDF file)
- STEM Teaching Tool 36: Managing Design Frustration (downloads a .PDF file)
- STEM Teaching Tool 45: Science Learning Through Engineering Design (downloads a .PDF file)
- Equity Theme
- STEM Teaching Tool 15: Equity Overview (downloads a .PDF file)
- STEM Teaching Tool 27: Practices and English Learners (downloads a .PDF file)
- STEM Teaching Tool 7: Design and Engineering v1 (downloads a .PDF file)
- Student Centered Instruction Theme
- STEM Teaching Tool 37: Beyond Misconceptions (downloads a .PDF file)
- STEM Teaching Tool 6: Productive Science Talk (downloads a .PDF file)
- Modeling Student Talk Diagram (downloads a .PDF file)
- Engineering Design Theme
July 12: Day 2
Dr. Cordero’s Sessions
- ET-10 Energy Tracker Design Challenge: Planning (downloads a .DOC file)
- ET-10a-Energy Tracker Design Challenge Flyer (downloads a .DOC file)
- ET-10b Energy Reduction Worksheet (downloads a .DOC file)
- ET-8 The Green Ninja Energy Tracker (downloads a .DOC file)
- ET-8a Energy Tracker Student Worksheet (downloads a .DOC file)
Dr. Metzger’s Sessions
- All Points North Climate Science and Solutions (downloads a .PPT file)
Dr. Walsh’s Sessions
- ET-2 Building a Wind Turbine (downloads a .PDF file)
- ET-2 Building a Wind Turbine (downloads a .DOC file)
- ET-2 Building a Wind Turbine Revised Lesson (downloads a .DOC file)
July 13: Day 3
Living Lab Activity
- Classroom 1 Livestream (downloads a .DOC file)
- Classroom 2 (downloads a .DOC file)
July 14: Day 4
- Important Links For Resources (downloads a .DOC file)
- Carbon Footprints of Food, APN Workshop, July 11-14, 2016 (downloads a .PPT file)