Earthquake Epicenter Worksheet
Use a map, a seismogram, and a conversion chart to locate the earthquake epicenter! Clicking the link below downloads a single PowerPoint (.ppt) slide. Epicenter Location Exercise
Magnitude vs. Intensity
In this activity, students use mock reports to analyze earthquake intensity and plot it on a map. Magntitude vs. Intensity Lesson Plan and Materials
Seismic Sleuths: Earthquakes – A Teacher’s Package for Grades 7-12
This FEMA publication on earthquakes includes background information, activities, and assessments on causes, disaster preparedness, engineering, seismology, and more.
The Earthquake Machine
This activity teaches students about how energy is stored in rocks and released in faults. Clicking the links below downloads the files. Lesson Plan (.doc) Handout (.doc)
Understanding Earthquake Intensity Using the Mercalli Scale
This activity teaches students about how earthquake intensity is measured using a roleplaying and map-making activity. Clicking the links below downloads the files. Lesson Plan (.pdf) Activity Instructions and Answer Key (.ppt) Handout (.doc)
Interactive Seismogram Animations
On the IRIS website you can find interactive animations illustrating how seismic data is used to calculate earthquake magnitude.
Landslide Types and Processes
This USGS article is a primer for understanding landslides.
Earth Science 3D Paper Models and Toys
Over 250 paper models can be printed, cut out, and assembled for fun, hands-on activities. Paper models include a variety of subjects including volcanoes, plate tectonics, earthquakes and faults, fossils, minerals, planetary geology, groundwater, and more!
California State Fault Map
This California fault activity map is interactive, available from the CA Dept. of Conservation.
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
The IRIS site features articles, maps, ongoing research, animations, videos, and activities on earthquakes.
Associated Earthquake Hazards Maps
This Bay Area hazards site hosts maps showing predicted danger of earthquake-induced shaking, liquefaction, and landslides.
USGS Earthquake Education
Browse activities, Google Earth files, posters, and more on this USGS site focused on earthquake education.
Did You Feel It?
The "Did You Feel It?" citizen science tool allows the public to log their experiences of earthquakes, which are used to generate maps and other data about earthquakes.
ShakeMaps – USGS
USGS ShakeMap sites "provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes." These are used for disaster response, public and scientific information, and disaster preparation.
Recent Earthquakes Worldwide – USGS
This interactive map by the USGS shows earthquakes from around the world from within the last day.
Animations for Earthquake Terms and Concepts
A USGS page of short animations illustrating earthquake terms and concepts
The Hayward Fault: Predictable Peril
This KQED documentary on the Hayward Fault includes the risks of future earthquakes, and ongoing disaster preparation. Features supplementary links and standards.
Detecting + Preparing for Earthquakes, by PBS
This short video by PBS' NOVA discusses impacts of earthquakes on human settlements, and earthquake preparation.
Surrounded by Volcanoes USGS lesson plan with activities on plate tectonics, with a focus on the the Cascade Range and the Ring of Fire. Includes grade level and standards. Surrounded by Volcanoes
Earthquake and Volcano Mapping with GIS
This activity teaches students how to use a web-based mapping program while learning about earthquakes, volcanoes, and plate tectonics. This link downloads a Microsoft Word (.doc) file. Earthquake and Volcano Mapping with GIS
California Volcanoes Quiz
A quiz and answer sheet on California volcanoes, to be used with a geologic map and a volcano lesson plan. This link downloads a Microsoft Word (.doc) file. California Volcanoes Quiz