Climate Change, Climate Justice + Sustainability lesson plans and supporting resources:
- Free lesson plans and supporting resources from the Bay Area Environmental-STEM Institute (BAESI)
- Green Ninja
- CLEAN Project: Climate Literacy + Energy Awareness Network
- Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI) Curriculum
- Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy
Free curriculum and additional resources that “increase confidence in teaching climate change in the classroom and engage students in solutions” - Understanding Climate Change Grades 7 – 12 by Laura Tucker & Lois Sherwood, NSTA Press
“Get help teaching one of the hottest topics in science with Understanding Climate Change, Grades 7–12. This nine-session module is written to be practical and accessible. It provides both extensive background and step-by-step instructions for using three-dimensional methods to explore this complex subject. It fits easily into a middle or high school curriculum while addressing the Next Generation Science Standards. The material can be covered in just three or four weeks or used in part to supplement your existing curriculum.“ - ClimeTime: climate science learning from Washington state
- Prezi on Climate Change
- A People’s Curriculum for the Earth: Teaching Climate Change and the Environmental Crisis Published by Rethinking Schools
- Facing the Future: Global sustainability curriculum and teacher PD
- Skeptical Science: help with explaining climate change and rebutting global warming misinformation
Environmental + Sustainability Education Organizations + Publications
- Center for Ecoliteracy
- Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation (CELF)
- CO2 Foundation: working together on extreme weather and carbon removal
- Eco-Schools USA from the National Wildlife Federation
- Earth Day Network
- North American Association of Environmental Educators (NAAEE)
- EETAP: Environmental Education and Training Partnership
- Roots & Shoots from the Jane Goodall Institute
- Green Schools National Network
- Green Education Foundation (GEF)
- Green Teacher (magazine plus webinars and more)
- Go Green Initiative: toolkits for greening our schools
- Green Schools Initiative
- Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP)
- greenlevine: Sustainability Education in Action
- Institute for Humane Education
- Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
- The Journal of Sustainability Education
- Post Carbon Institute
- Resurgence & Ecologist
- Environmental Education Association of Oregon (EEAO)
- Clearing Magazine
- Orion Magazine
- Transitions US
- Yes! Magazine
Educator Professional Development: Workshops + Support
- eePRO: hub for environmental education professional development
- The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education
- Project Learning Tree: award-winning environmental education program designed for teachers and other educators, parents, and community leaders working with youth, preK-12
- Civic Ecology Lab: Cornell University
- The River Mile Network: an education program of the National Park Service and other partners
- Seven Generations Education Institute
California and Bay Area Sustainabilty Initiatives
- Environmental Principles and Concepts
- Drive Clean Bay Area
Inspiring Bay Area residents and employees to drive electric
Other Environmental + Sustainability Education Resources
- Climate Interactive from MIT: accessible, scientifically rigorous tools that help people see connections, play out scenarios, and see what works to address the biggest challenges we face.”
- Environmental Education (EE) at the EPA
- Sustainable Development Goals – the United Nations
- National Park Service Education
- Campaign for Environmental Literacy
- The EverGreen Twins Activity Book: 40+ Eco-Activities, Games, and Outdoor Adventures
- NOAA’s Climate Literacy Guide and other resources
- Project Noah: A global citizen-science platform to discover, share and identify wildlife
- Project Budburst
- Project Wet: Water education
- Promise of Place: Enriching Lives through Place-Based Education
- Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History resources for teachers
- Center for Whole Communities
- The Story of Stuff
- One More Generation: Preserving endangered species for one more generation and beyond
- Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Have feedback about the resources or more you’d like to share?
We’d love to hear from you!