Earth & Space Science, Life Science, Physical Science
Tools to help educators meet the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and deepen learning Handouts / Tables / Matrices that Summarize the NGSS “Three Dimensions of NGSS” “Disciplinary Core Ideas in the NGSS” “Inside the NGSS...
Earth & Space Science, ESS1: Earth's Place in the Universe, ESS1.B: Earth and the Solar System, ESS2: Earth's Systems, ESS2.A: Earth Materials and Systems, ESS2.C: The Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes, ESS2.D: Weather and Climate, ESS3: Earth and Human Activity, ESS3.A: Natural Resources, ESS3.B: Natural Hazards, ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems, ESS3.D: Global Climate Change, Life Science, LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics, LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity, LS4.D: Biodiversity and Humans, Physical Science, PS1: Matter and Its Interactions, PS3: Energy
Climate Change, Climate Justice + Sustainability lesson plans and supporting resources: Free lesson plans and supporting resources from the Bay Area Environmental-STEM Institute (BAESI) Green Ninja Curriculum (NGSS-approved for middle school; project-based approach)...
Earth & Space Science, ESS1.C: Earth's History, Life Science, LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
This short .PDF textbook covers the fossil record, natural selection, and evidence of evolution. Evolution and the Fossil Record (.PDF)
Earth & Space Science, ESS1.C: Earth's History
The sabertoothed cat Smilodon californicus is the state fossil of California. Sabertoothed Cat (.PDF)
Earth & Space Science, ESS1.C: Earth's History, ESS2: Earth's Systems, ESS2.D: Weather and Climate, ESS3.D: Global Climate Change, Life Science, LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics, LS4: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
Explore this excellent resource on the causes and consequences of past mass extinctions on Earth from the BBC. The Big Five Mass...
Earth & Space Science, ESS3: Earth and Human Activity, ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems, ESS3.D: Global Climate Change
Our Changing Climate: Vulnerability & Adaptation to the Increasing Risks from Climate Change in California highlights important new insights and data, using probabilistic and detailed climate projections and refined topographic, demographic, and land use...
Earth & Space Science, ESS2.A: Earth Materials and Systems
This article and key from the USGS explains the functions of topographic maps, and the symbols found on them. Clicking the link will download a PowerPoint (.PPT) file. Topographic Maps and Symbols
Earth & Space Science, ESS3: Earth and Human Activity, ESS3.D: Global Climate Change
This document from BAESI lists vocabulary for lessons on climate change. Clicking the link blow will download a Word (.doc) file. Glossary of Climate Change...
Earth & Space Science, ESS3: Earth and Human Activity, ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems
Explore causes, solutions, signs, adaptations, profiles, and what to do about climate change in this yearlong investigation of its effects around the world. NPR Climate...